Giza Pyramids …..YIKES!!
You are in Egypt and naturally you want to visit one of the seven wonders of the world, The Giza Pyramids. Here is my experience and how to stay safe and be careful when you are there. It’s beautiful and your family and friends wouldn’t be happy if you didn’t explore this amazing sight.
With all the news about the plight of Egypt, tourism is down tremendously. The Pyramids that used to have long lines of eager tourists, is now virtually a ghost town. Except for the folks that make their money from the tourists. These people are still here and eagerly awaiting for anyone to come visit and help feed their family.
I went there last August. I was not prepared for what I encountered. We took a taxi there and as soon as we turned onto the road leading up to the Pyramids, we were harassed by the merchants. They made a roadblock to have the taxi driver stop. When he didn’t, 4 men started banging on the windows of the taxi (one actually broke one of the side mirrors) and jumping on the moving vehicle. I was alarmed to say the least. Removed from the situation now, I see that these men were desperate to provide for their families. While I was in the midst of it, I was scared sh**less!! The harassment continues through most of your time you are there at the pyramids. From the men that are selling souvenirs, to the men trying to persuade you to take a horse and buggy.
My suggestion, go with an Egyptian. I am fortunate that Mostafa came with me. I’m not sure what would’ve happened if I was alone. The Pyramids are awesome and I’m glad I got a chance to experience them but I would proceed with caution if you are going to go before Egypt’s tourism is back on its feet.
It is unsane take a whole month to try the Egyptian kitchen.
But in the end, what’s much more worse, is that you enjoy it….
I’m an Egyptian food junkie. I can’t get enough. Look past the sanitary stuff and really the stuff is quite good.